Wednesday, February 23, 2011

werk schmerk

two days back to work since the end of the radventure that blew me apart and watched as i stitched myself together in newer and braver ways.

work, hey? what's this thing? For the record, I like my job. i even love it, in certain ways. the job itself, as it seems to be intended is terrible and oppressive and masquerading as some sort of social betterment, when really the only way things can get better is if society eats itself and my dudes can go find themselves some real goddamn community that doesn't "feel good" about "helping them out" but sees them as people, exactly like themselves, who want things and love things and fuck with the dominant paradigm just by being alive. so i spend my days hanging with my people and doing the paperwork i gotta do and try not to let it touch me or them too much. it teaches me a lot of things. They're usually the same things that kids and traveling and unfucking myself teach me. Over and over and over again 'cause i take my time like that.

1. I don't know what's best for anyone but myself. And I gotta do that and support everyone around me in doing what's best for them, or at least not being a barrier to them fucking up and figuring out what that is. whenever possible. y'know,

2. The job of the party secretary is best done by whoever  is awake/sober/decisive enough to say "ok, here's my plan. join me if you want, and if not, do what you want, and i'll be here when yr ready done what you gotta do."

3. It's ALWAYS time to play. ALWAYS.  And if it isn't, then you'd better stop what yr doing and play anyway, or you'll find yourself devolving.

4. Everything is better when you do it yrself. Encouraging people to make their own decisions for their own lives, building things and fucking up and taking the time to learn shit that way, letting yr kids make all of the decisions that they are able to/want to, make mistakes and let other people make as many as they need to too. If  you can't let go and let the people around you do this, don't be surprised when eyes start rolling and someone loudly and sarcastically drawls "...Cool, Dad..." and promptly stops listening to you. It's time you weren't listened to anymore.

other than that, i dunno. I need a nap. The kidlet decided that 3 am was a good time to wake up and eat cereal and a banana. fuck that shit. i'm going to sleep with 'em at 7pm tonight.

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